Tag Archives: FLOTUS

For Fascist Donald J Trump, Sean Handjob Hannity, Ann Clouter and All the Rest of the ChristoFascist Traitors of the GOP

Well, here is one way that Traitor, Pathological lying, rapist, pedophile, misogynist pig, thief and conartist, and of course, Putin dick sucking, ass fucked Puppet, Donald J Trump can Make America Great Again.

What can I say about that Hitler-wanna be, that Dicktaker of Putin in Chief, Bone Spurs wish he was a President, let alone human being, Donald J Trump, his fellow Fascist pig fucking scumbag shit stains of the #GOP who sold us out to Russia, like #MoscowMitchMcConnell? Or that closeted Queen bitch Lindsey Graham? Or all the other traitorous Republicans who also sold us out to Russia and the RussianNRA? Like Ted Cruz, Paul Ryan, and others?


Then? You have the Trumpanzee Propoganda Channels like Fox News, Breibart and many other Reich-Wing, ChristoFascist pig fucking stations and websites, all supporting and defending this Turd Reich Hitler wanna be Donald J Trump.

Real shitstains on the underwear of humanity, like Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Andrew Napolitano, Laura Ingraham, Megyn Kelly, Tucker Carlson, Lisa “Kennedy” Montgomery, and many others, spew all kinds of lies out of their well used outhouse shitholes they use as mouths, to spread the pathological lies and treasonous actions of Donald J. Trump and his cronies.

Oh and these are the same assholes who dare to also call themselves? Christians. Yeah they are as much a Christian as Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mussolini and many other Fascist pig fuckers of humanity were. Because Sean, Ann, Andrew, Megyn, Laura, Tucker, Lisa and all the rest? You are nothing more than treasonous scumbag fuckers, selling us out to Russia and Trump, all for the sake of making a buck, and you cunts should be brought to Gitmo, along with Traitor Trump and the rest of the Treasonous GOPigs, and waterboarded on a ten minute cycle, before being tortured some more and then lined up against a wall, given a last cigarette, and then executed for High Treason before a firing squad. Hell, I would even volunteer to be on that firing squad.

Yeah, I do not watch Fox News for the same reason I don’t eat out of the toilet.
Handjob Hannity of Fox News is about a corrupt fake news pundit, and treasonous dick sucking shitstain on the underwear of humanity, running his propoganda for his Hitler-wanna-be Donald J Trump. Well Hannity, you should be lined up against a wall right besides your fellow Traitors at Fox News and executed by a firing squad for High Treason against the People of the United States.

Now? For Moscow Mitch McConnell, the white supremacist, racist pig fucking, treasonous traitor, Russian Putin Puppet. Sure he might be married to a Chinese cunt….notice how all of our traitors like Moscow Mitch and Dotard Trump are married to whores and sluts and trailer park trash cunts who are from nations that are our enemies?

There is nothing worse in my book, to be the head of the Senate, and sell your country out for some pieces of silver from the Russian NRA and a cunt like Donald J Trump.

Mitch McCuntall, you will eventually pay for all your shit. For all those innocent children and teens shot down in massacres because you refuse to do something to stop the madness.

But worst of all McCuntall? If Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Monroe, James Madison, Thomas Paine or the others were around today? They would drag you and each and every one of your Treasonous, Traitorous, scumbag assed Repugnant brethren out of the Senate and House chambers, whipping and beating you towards the front of the White House, and along with Traitor Trump and Pence and his cabinet already lined up, put you fucking cunts on the gallows and hang you all for High Treason Against the United States.

Too bad they are not alive to do so. But I would not bet people who are just like them? Are alive today and just waiting to hang all you fucking Putin Dick Sucking, Russian Treasonous shitstains.

Yes you Putin Dick Sucking Hillbilly Traitor Moscow Mitch McConnell, you are an insult to the dignity of the office you hold. YOU should be dragged out of the Senate and hung for Treason against the United States, along with the rest of your Traitorous Trump supporting GOPigs.



Hey Donnie, you may have your mental midget moron Trumpanzees fooled. You may even have Faux Nitwit Newsless, Breibart, Facebook and Twitter under your Commander Bone Spurs command. You might be that wanna-be dicktater Hitler you love oh so much in your own fucking twisted, shit mind.

You have in fact? Sold us out to Vlad Putin and Russia. That is no doubt a truth and a fact. You obstructed justice. You can lie all you want and trash the Bob Mueller report, the FBI, the Democrats, etc all you want to, but your dumb ass is only fooling your brain dead loser followers.

You are a racist pig. You are a white supremacist cunt. You think you are supreme and a super stable genius and etc. Well all you are? Is a turd that was flushed the day your mom shit you out of her blown out asshole and you crawled out of the fucking sewers and back into her asshole to wait a few more months. And the day you were truly born? All the demons of hell fucked you in the ass and let loose a stream of demon sperm into your shithole. That is why you got such a small set of hands and a tiny little dick there Donnie.

About the only thing that Dotard Donnies mouth is good for. Isn’t that right? Well just ask those Russian hookers who pissed on him.
I know I would be one of the first ones in line.

Then you got that skank of a turd wife of yours Melania. What a fucking treasure to have a fucking stripper and porn queen for a first lady huh? Such classy trash from a Ukrainian hooker and whore huh?

And then? You got the fucking nerve to bitch about immigrants coming in from Central America and Muslim countries, while you got this Russian slut a “genius” visa, knocked the skank up and married her? Yeah, that cunt and her family and that brain dead piece of shit off spring of hell you both produced need to go back to the Russian countries they came from.

The First Whore Melania Trump…even her own son knows she is a whore.
Oh Melania Trump, you inspire trailer park trash sluts and whores for Traitor Trump each and every day. Hey if your husband can be a misogynist pig, a rapist and a pedophile? Then I got a right to trash both him and you for it.

Then you sick and twisted, disgusting pervert, you pedophile piece of shit, you rapist cunt. YOU go and perv on your daughters? Especially Ivana? You talk about how she has a great ass and how if she wasn’t your daughter you would date her? You probably raped that girl, considering all the pictures I have seen of the two of you together. And then you also perved on your daughter Tiffany when she was only one year old during a People Magazine interview? For that alone? You should be fucking skinned alive.

You perv on 2-14 yr old girls singing Xmas carols in Rockerfeller Plaza? You perv on naked teen underage girls in the dressing room of your Miss Teen USA pagent? You brutally rape a 14 yr old girl at your buddy Jerry Epstein’s NY sex palace? You hit upon a 12 yr old girl going up an escalator? You perv on 12 yr old Paris Hilton?

Too bad Donnie we cannot bring back the old Roman Catholic Inquisitional Tortures, especially the Rat Torture, cause if any scumbag shitstain pedophile pervert, rapist and scumbag like you deserve to deal with the Rat Torture as punishment? It would be you. Along with your buddies Roy Moore and Brett Kavanaugh. Oh and what is the rat torture?

That is where we strip your fat fucking ass, bind you to a table, place a rat on your little crotch dick place a cage over the rat, then a bowl of hot coals on top of the cage, and let the rat eat your junk. Though in your case? We could probably get away with using a baby mouse.

Yes, Pedo Pervert and Rapist in Chief Donald J Trump, Roy Moore, Brett Kavanaugh and any other misogynist pig GOP who stands up and defends rapists and pedophiles like Trump, Moore, Kavanaugh or others? Should be tortured using the Rat Torture.

Well Dotard Donnie…again, the best way you can make America great again? Is to take a gun, stick it up your fat fucking ass, pull the trigger and blow what little brains you got out.

But really? I would love it Donald J Trump, if you were arrested for all your Crimes and then convicted and sentenced to death. Then you and Moscow Mitch and all the rest of your Treasonous GOPigs can be brought right on down to your favorite place called GITMO, and waterboarded on an hourly basis. Oh yeah, and stripped and stomped on, and your heads smashed into bars and bricks, and all kinds of manner of torture and treatment given to you scum fucking treasonous pieces of shit traitors, before you are all lined up against a wall given a last cigarette and then executed by firing squad for High Treason.